We are delighted to announce that CERT-EU’s Annual Conference 2024 will take place on October 10–11 in Brussels. We are expecting around 400 delegates: cybersecurity experts from both the private and public sector.

Tales from The Real World, this year’s theme, invites us to step back and observe the intricate dance of real-world challenges and solutions in cybersecurity, where each challenge and solution unfolds like a story waiting to be told.

Inspired by the deep trance-like rhythms of Laurent Garnier and Alan Watts, Tales from The Real World invites us to explore the profound and often overlooked cyber narratives that shape our digital existence and human experience like a mirror reflecting both light and shadows.

We see Tales from The Real World as an opportunity to bring to light the practical challenges we face as a community and the key insights we collect along the way, serving as a vital compass to navigate technological breakthroughs, rising geopolitical tensions and rapid shifts in the threat landscape.

As usual, our flagship event remains an invite-only conference (no press is allowed).

However, this year, for the first time ever, we are inviting the cybersecurity professionals, researchers, and industry leaders out there to submit proposals for the technical track for the consideration of our programme committee.

Want to seize the opportunity to have your voice heard and potentially participate in shaping the discussions at our highly valued, highly regarded event? Easy! Visit the following link and submit your proposal by May 31 at the latest.

We also invite you to share and promote the CFP, to help us make Tales from The Real World a great edition.

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